Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Post from Toast

Good moafevni! which means good morning good afternoon and blablabla!...SO today my time was very occupied from morning till night I guess... This morning I played futsal with my friends and his family.. Was very exciting but also very tiring...then I took a quick shower and went to a friend of mines house to have a so called "STUDY GROUP"..hahahaha there wasnt really any benefit of forming that study group today cause most of us didnt really learn or have the enthuasm to study at ALL!! but never the less it was a very interesting thing to do... and again its getting really really hot and I even sweat at cold places I myself do not know why... maybe a sign of global warming getting worse???? MAYBE but the important thing now is that the purpose of that particular group is because we have this in my cast a future decider test that will evaulate if I am good enough to stay in Science side if if not i have to go attend Art Side which means fewer job choices hmmmm...
K I like to take this privilege to write a bit about WAR TANT TANT TAAA...

War? war? war? hmmm I thing the meaning of war is hmmmm a sign to show power and control! War is a waste of time, money, newspapers space and Tv News.... Im a pacifist so I dont really solve stuff with violence nor like it..why use guns or sticks when we can use our mouth to solve stuff?! Know how amazing or harmony this PLANET can be if the word war is wipe out of the dictionary? Imagine this a planet fill with everyday human beings smiling without having to feel fear of survival or grieve?? a tough question to answer? DONT think so ...racism huh another source of war is a good racism....for me racism is another way of being jealous and being to proud of who you are...please have you heard of WE ARE EQUAL? k thats all I guess peace


  1. weyy, art side la variety choices of jobs. unlike science site. -_-

  2. gago kau ya tang duduk jak umah nun jgn kaco orang tua cakap

  3. Hey I'm Just less than a month Younger YOU KNOW!
